Ok, let's talk film. Let's start off with that. It's that kind of day. It's a beautiful day. Despite the earthquake. You want a standard late night joke? Ok fine. Huge earthquake today. Some damage. Amy Winehouse's bed collapsed. 15 people were injured. What? Come on! Aw I could do that all day. And I have made the top ten list twice in my life. Sound triumphant? NO! All I got was a T-shirt. No kidding. Anyway I am fired up today. Totally fired up anyway, God knows why. I want to talk about the new GI JOE film from every one's favorite billionaire extremist, Steven Sommers. He brought us the Mummy and The Mummy Returns, Van Helsing. And now he was hired on the spot for GI JOE. A Real American Hero! Well now GI JOE stands for Global Integrated Joint Operating Entity.
Take everything American out of this in case we offend someone in the WORLD!
How is that for reaching? And to top it all off GI JOE is not even American anymore. I think that is what affects me the most about this. They took the American aspect completely out of this new film. That's the basis of the whole idea. But somehow Hollywood does not care if you take the American-ness out of something. Because I don't think Hollywood wants to be American anyway. I mean Jolie had her kids in France. They are not even American. A great deal of our A list are not even American, Heath Ledger, Christian Bale, Hugh Laurie, among others. So who really in Hollywood really cares about being American?
Way too American for an American movie...
No one that is right. Not even the Candidates this year have given a truly American pride speech. American-ism is being ripped out of Hollywood and here is the proof. They are taken a historically American Icon and stripping him, well its not even a him anymore. Its an entity. An entity is a separate thing. That's the definition. Melissa thinks its PC to not being American and I say what is PC about not being American. I mean what if Angelina's kid wants to run for president one day. What if one the twins is going to be a great Liberal president. But No they can't cause Jolie wanted them born in France. Thanks Mom for killing my dreams.
Well Hollywood wants it all to be separate entities. I love it when Liberals want to say that they are pro American. How can they be? They are too busy ripping out anything American in Movies. Anyway back to the Sommers film. So everything American is being ripped out. We have to deal with that. GI JOE is somehow now some UN organization that stops Internet terrorism. How is that for a contemporary take? I say if all of this is needed change, why bother in the first place? Why even bother with the GI JOE concept? Get another idea. I think this is just another example of false advertising. Its a MC Donalds Bag with the food of a new Chinese restaurant inside. It having something familiar given to you and then having something new in reality. It's lying. Its another example of what I talked about last week my blog entitled, "False Advertising in Hollywood". That's what it is. It is lying. Paramount is lying to us because there is no GI JOE in GI JOE. There is no MC Donalds in this new MC Donalds. That's the truth. Sure Paramount can tell us that this is a "re-imagining". But it's not. It's flat out lying. And I hate to be lied to. I am sure you do also. Leave it to Hollywood to live under our country's laws and be lying people who don't want to be American. Hollywood is telling is how they really are. This is who they are.
More news on the "Nottingham" front. A new article says just what I said yesterday about the delay. The article says, "So what are the reasons behind the delay? I've heard nothing but good things from people behind the scenes - they were very excited about how things were shaping up. Other rumors have also reached my ears and I have begun to wonder if it isn't 'script concerns' that are slowing things down but rather 'script changes.' I can't print what I've been told (yet), but there may be some changes to the concept that will set the whole film on its ear... in a very interesting way. This new take on the story would require a very large rewrite on the script, and thus the delay."
That's what I said. There is nothing new with this idea. It is boring it is drawn out. Some one somewhere, said how about this... And that probably shut down everything. I would consider it akin to Peter Jackson's experience when he decided to do motion capture instead of animation for Gollom. With that change they had to literally fire a lot of people and bring in a whole new crew to do Motion Capture on Andy Serkis. I think something like that happened here. There was a large and better idea. I hate to think they landed Christian Bale and are waiting for his schedule to open up. Wouldn't that be so Hollywood exec thinking? I actually would like to make that bet. Maybe I will go to Vegas on that one. Until tomorrow, let's talk film!
Chilling Classics Cthursday: COVID (2025)
I thought I might be able to take a dip in the Mill Creek this week but it
is not happening, I am sorry to say. I felt a bit better yesterday but I
feel ...
Company Town is getting a face-lift
Company Town has a new look and a new Web address. Soon this url will
automatically switch you to the new blog, but you can find it now at
Closing Time
Well, today is the 5th anniversary of this blog. And it's high time to
admit to myself that after five years, the blog has run its course. Not
that this is...
Parody - 1: a literary or musical work in which the style of an author or
work is closely imitated for comic effect or in ridicule
2: a feeble or ridiculous...
Welcome to Let's Talk Film! I am a film correspondent who talks about film in detached commentary. I don't talk about who's dating who or who is wearing what. I talk about what's going on in the film industry and what Studio Execs really don't tell you. Dedicated to Kelli who loves when I talk film.
I am very long winded and I try to be to the point but who knows.
Please comment, I try to inspire dialoge and positive thought. I'd like to hear from you especially if you're a Hollywood Exec.