Ok let's talk film. First off, Will Smith's Hancock seems to be in serious trouble. Reports are saying that the world premiere has been cancelled. Now the world premiere is the special screening where Paris Hilton and her drunk friends make their monthly appearance and drink all the free booze. So, that particular screening has been put on hold. Apparently according to Cinemablend, the film needs to go through reshoots. Usually what this means is that the film did not come together at all. Someone high-ups sat down to watch a screening and were blown away about how bad it was. So they need to go back and essentially remake the film in a few short weeks to save it from its impending disaster. Also learned in the article is that I Am Legend had to go through the same brigade of reshoots. So is this just a Will Smith problem? Does he not like the angles he is being shot from? I dunno, but if a film has to go "back to the drawing board" its not a good sign. I Am Legend was not good. It has good parts. But it is, in a whole,a film that did not hold together. It will make money, Will Smith is an actor who draws crowds based on his performance alone. I am really not sure any actor can do that. Will Smith as the top bill doing Sci Fi, draws crowds based on his persona alone. I like Will Smith, he is great to watch. I just hope he doesn't lose luster with strings of mediocre film. he may turn into an Eddie Murphy, fun to watch, but not fun to watch again in the same film.
Word buzzes that Spider-Man 4 and 5 are in the planning process of being shot back to back like Back to the Futures and of course thelordoftherings. (no that's not a typo) INSIDE JOKE. (Peter Jackson in all his commentary on LOTR DVD's says it so fast it sounds like one word. The man has said his movie title SO MUCH that it all blends together in his mouth. Funny.) ANYWAY, POINT! Who cares about spider man 4 and 5? I don't. I speak for a lot of movie goers who thing 3 is well enough. But, what is Sony Pictures thinking? Well, they do not want to get rid of their cash cow. Even when the cow smells like week old carcass, they still want to suck any life out of it they can so that NUMBER ONE, the studio can look great and NUMBER TWO, the execs can retire well. This Spider man 4 and 5 has absolutely nothing to do with fan base or fan demands. Sony wants to continue to drain the cow dry at the expense of the actors and Sam Raimi who I am sure want to go do other things? Why you ask? Why does Tobey Maquire and Kirsten Dunst want to do other things? Because they have talent. They can do whatever they want and we will go see it. The Execs have ZERO talent. They can't go do something else. They need Spider-Man WAY more than we do or the Actor's do. So that is why they are making Spider-Man 4 and 5. NOT FOR YOU. For studio execs who have no talent.
Prince Caspian is getting OK reviews. So if you are a fan, please go see it. Consensus says you will like it. Darker than the first. I could care less, it's not my cup o tea.
Early reviews of Sex and The City (link Below) says it is just an inflated version of the show. I had previously predicted that this would be the highest grossing film of the summer due to repeat "girls night out viewings" (can't get away from the man at home on DVD) and the strong untapped demographic of the women's target audience that made Titanic rise to #1 for so long. Put those two factor together and you have yourself a number one grossing film for Summer. USUALLY the 18-35 male does not return to the theatre to see a film twice, they wait for video. Sex and the City is a female event film that will be a great place to pick up chicks. OK
The Mummy 3 trailer is up and running, look at it. It looks good. the incredibly rich Steven Sommers did not direct, he is busy directing GI JOE for Paramount. Rob Cohen of Fast and Furious and XXX which I liked a lot. XXX is a guilty pleasure film of mine. So Cohen directing Mummy 3 is cool with me.
My movie recommendations for Friday are as follows: Stay home and rent 27 Dresses and Cloverfield, both mediocre films, but cute nevertheless. Best time to rent at blockbuster is always on Friday Afternoons and Sunday Mornings, Stay away from the theatre unless you are a true Narnia fan. Rent Mannequin and Honeymoon in Vegas for the girls to get ready for Sex and The City as well as the show and for the Boys watch LOTS of Indiana Jones. Have a good weekend! Until Monday Let's Talk Film!
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