Ok, let's talk film. Well here is this DJ Caruso interview in Collider.com says this, "As everyone is slowly realizing, what Christopher Nolan did with “The Dark Knight” this summer has changed everything." This is a quote in reference to the audience appreciation for IMAX format that The Dark Knight was partially filmed in. Well first off on that quote. Everyone is NOT SLOWLY realizing this. I am certain everyone is rather quickly realizing this. There is just a high cost option that Hollywood is scared of. Remember Hollywood is terrified of new ideas. All Hollywood wants to do is make the same films over and over again. I say that every blog. They want to make only the teen comedy, the Superhero film that's written with snappy dialogue, the slasher film, the feel good underdog film, and the by the numbers romantic comedy. That's all they have in their playbook. That's it! That's all we get.
Sure, they may throw a thriller out once in a while, like Eagle Eye. But in essence is a "Like a Bourne film, except..." We know the formula, we're not stupid. SO when the Dark Knigh shattered all records for being a great film and shot in IMAX, Hollywood wet themselves with fear. They don't know how to make great film. Making great film eludes Hollywood, always will.
Well here is Collide.com telling us everyone is slowly realizing this concept. No! Hollywood knows this concept! They know it very well, they are just unequipped to deal with it. So, that may come off as uninformed. Well, theaters are ill equipped as well. We have this 3D craze, this 3D revolution coming to theaters and the cinemas themselves are not ready. Only digital projectors can run 3D digital film. Only 40% of theaters have this technology. It's crazy.
And where is Michael Bay in all of this? Where is Spielberg for that matter? They NEED to be filming Transformers 2 in IMAX. They need at least 3 strong scenes in IMAX format. Favreau is panting in front of Paramount, begging for the budget for an IMAX shoot. What does all this do? Well IMAX and 3D (stereo as James Cameron calls it) brings people to the cinema again. Otherwise most people will wait for blu ray. And why wouldn't they?! Blu Ray is a wonderful technology.
Michael Bay should by all means be shooting in IMAX. Why he isn't doesn't make any sense to me. They have the budget, they need the cameras. Spielberg knows better. Until Later, let's talk film!