Da Doo Meow Meow
Okay yes, I know that technically today should be Chilling Classics
Cthursday but Your Honor, circumstances compelled me to move in a different
Company Town is getting a face-lift
Company Town has a new look and a new Web address. Soon this url will
automatically switch you to the new blog, but you can find it now at
Closing Time
Well, today is the 5th anniversary of this blog. And it's high time to
admit to myself that after five years, the blog has run its course. Not
that this is...
Parody - 1: a literary or musical work in which the style of an author or
work is closely imitated for comic effect or in ridicule
2: a feeble or ridiculous...
Welcome to Let's Talk Film! I am a film correspondent who talks about film in detached commentary. I don't talk about who's dating who or who is wearing what. I talk about what's going on in the film industry and what Studio Execs really don't tell you. Dedicated to Kelli who loves when I talk film.
I am very long winded and I try to be to the point but who knows.
Please comment, I try to inspire dialoge and positive thought. I'd like to hear from you especially if you're a Hollywood Exec.