Ok, let's talk film. So, I don't think this is anything to worry about or anything at all for that matter. Oh yeah, first things first. Mike who writes the Pixar Blog corrected my misrepresentation of his blog, The Pixar Blog. I said it is the Official Pixar Blog, it is not. It is no affiliation to Pixar or Disney. My apologies. It is a very good and informative blog. I read it, so should you. Thanks Mike. Moving on, here is an article by Telegraph.co.uk that says Cher is Nolan's first choice to play Catwoman. This is hilarious. Yes, please laugh. Where do some of these people get their news.
I am sure this is just a fluff piece. The article also says that Johnny Depp is already cast to play The Riddler. It says the film is to be titled, the Caped Crusader. This is fluff. It is campaigning, again. I talked about this two weeks ago. Everyone is campaigning to be in the third film. I think the execs want to go this route with Johnny Depp as the Riddler and such. This article is nothing more than to get Nolan thinking about casting choices, aka campaigning.
Well the third film will not be like the 90's Batman. Can it? Does it now have the potential to become like a Batman Forver? Or a Spider Man 3? Yes it does. I think Nolan for one is actually being smart. Sure you have you execs that want immediate gratification power. There is the temptation to start spreading around the rumor, "Johnny Depp as the Riddler? Oooooo. Wow" This film is perfect to start the Ooooooh Buzz. I don't think were gonna have the Oooooo factor. Its not gonna be Phillip Seymour Hoffman as The Penguin, Depp as the Riddler and Jolie as Catwoman! Ooooooo.
This is not what Nolan's series is about. The above cast is what most of Hollywood wants. They want to watch everyone go Oooooo. That is why Execs do some projects. So that their friends will go Oooooo. Like the Rocky Horror remake and the Poltergeist remake. I guarantee you there is no real integrity in those mentioned remakes. They are there for the Oooooo factor. That's it. And Nolan knows that he can succumb to the Ooooo factor, but he won't. He is smarter than that. He knows the casting must be accurate to a crime story. Or as a fugitive type of piece and not a fluff, Oooooo factor piece.
Warner now is planning its huge event summer. They want the final Harry Potter and the Third Batman to be in the same year or six months of each other. They are manically wringing their hands together for the biggest summer of their lives. That is the real story. Right now execs are buying their RV's and Aspen Timeshares. It's all financial right now. That's the real Ooooooo factor. They are planning the biggest Warner Summer ever! Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 and The Dark Knight Returns. That is the only thing that matters right now to Execs is that Billion Dollar year. Its all they can think of.
We as an audience care about the movie. The execs are projecting their numbers not even caring about the film itself. This is who they are. They do not and will not ever care about the film itself. They care about the financial results and not the quality results. I don't think they know how! So yes that summer will be great. The casting of The Dark Knight Returns will not Ooooooh us or wow us. It will be the opposite. It will be on the side of unsettling like Leger's performance. That is what The Dark Knight is about. It is not about Warner. Not about actors, It's about a gritty, realistic film for an audience. Quite the opposite of what execs believe. Until Tomorrow, let's talk film!