Ok, let's talk film. So, where do we go from here. It is really discouraging to look at the greenlight schedule. Well I guess its not surprising. Well, look, I mean, the constant battle in Hollywood is talented people trying to do what they want to do while execs change everything so it sells to the broadest audience available. They made it generally friendly and "everybody wins". Green Lantern greenlight today, no that wasn't me trying to be clever, that is the new greenlight major entity as of today. But that's all were going to see. If you were reading this trite diatribe all week, you will know that everyone is swinging for the bleachers because of the Dark Knight's business. Well let's just take a break today and look at a couple films that know the art form.
Because I hope some of you who read this are budding filmmakers who understand the an important rule of being a good director which is knowing how to act or know good acting. All of the best directors out there are actors or they know how to direct actors. I say this because the new crop of directors who are getting hired are not savvy in how to properly direct actors. They are strictly visual directors who bring visual force to the screen and ignore every other quality. They are out there already, Mickey Bay for one, Brett Ratner, two, the list goes on.
I was watching Before The Devil Knows Your Dead on Blu Ray today and I was reminded once again how important the direction of actors is to a film. This film is Directed by Sidney Limet, who helmed, Dog Day Afternoon, Network and The Verdict, that list goes on. He helped a couple actors get Oscars. I think of James Mangold when I think of that quality. This film in particular is a total sensation to watch for the performances. It's one thing to watch actors have great solo performances in a separate film or for a couple of A listers to star together and have a good time, but this piece with Marisa Tomei, Phil Hoffman, Ethan Hawke, Albert Finney, Rosemary Harris...It's like a well oiled acting machine. Every performer feeds off the other. They rely on the other to breathe a certain way. It is breathtaking to watch. I have not or I don't remember being captivated by an ensemble since American Beauty.

"Devil" may have been over looked because it is a borderline melodrama and every actor and the director in it already have like ten noms and Oscars each, but it is still an amazing piece of work. I am not going to review this film. I don't like doing reviews. Millions of people do them. If you know me or read my blog, all I have to say is SEE IT and you know it's approved by me. I never recommend bad film. That just isn't me. But SEE IT.
The thing I do want to stress about this film and I want to point out for all you savvy players is that the Director knows how to work with actors. It is refreshing to see. The new directors on the lots, don't have the patience to do so. And this is what Actors know and hate about film. Film does not challenge an actor. They go do theatre a lot. Marisa Tomei, Larry Fishbourne, Matthew Broderick...All these actors and more, many more go to the theater to get cast because they know they will be challenged.
Making film is a recess for actors and anyone with talent for that matter. For execs and producers is a matter of life and death, sink of swim. All of the talented people know this difference and are not scared by it, because they are talented. Film is a way station for Execs and Producers to make money off of us. Its a dazzle medium. We can't complain about it. We want quality, but all of us who want to demand more, have more important things to do in our lives. So we as an audience are stuck watching grown ups play with millions of dollars. Well if you my savvy Hollywood player get to go to the big leagues, give up something good. Know how to work with actors. I will never be a Hollywood Director. I don't have the means or the opportunity and I am way past my prime. But, you are not! You are young and spry and full of opportunity.
Remember to be primeval when directing film. Mayy directors want to be Avant Guarde and direct in a hip way, I say NAYE. Look into theater directing first and how to work with actors. Know the stage before you venture out into film. Basically know how to direct actors. They sell the emotions of the film. Otherwise you'll be stuck with Natalie Portman acting without barely moving her lips. Ever notice she does that? Well direct primeval. Direct from the gut. That's the only way to be great. Of else you'll be like Brett Ratner. And no one wants more of him. Until Tomorrow, let's talk film!