Ok, let's talk film. Look like it's rehash scheduling everywhere. Everyone is hellbent on bringing back the old. There is nothing new in Hollywood coming out anytime soon. Article in LA Times by Patrick Goldstein says "How bad can movies get?" He points out that nothing exciting is on the greenlit schedule and on the now filming schedule. Sequels to Terminator, Da Vinci Code, An A team movie, A Hannah Montana film and Transformers 2 are currently in production. This is on the verge of an actors' strike. "My point is only this: A strike would be a bad thing for the working class of Hollywood, who need a studio paycheck. But for those of us in the audience, I can't say I'd shed a tear."
I have to agree with this. There is nothing new in Hollywood. Execs are not taking any chances in film. Well, they haven't been at all if you ask me. I mean every release this year was based on something or a sequel to something. Why? Cause Hollywood execs refuse to take chances that's why. The opening weekends are tallied before the film is Greenlit. Because all they care about is making their money back. All of the art in film making is long gone. And this is a sad thing. Cause in order to see a film with integrity, you have to wait for Oscar season in the fall.
Yes Hollywood does produce Oscar winning films specifically for the purpose of competition. Like I said before they release it under a Pseudo name like Paramount Vantage or Fox Searchlight, so they don't have to take full credit as a studio if the film happens to fail to some degree. If a "art film" like There Will Be Blood fails, they cut the blame by saying, "Well, that was released under Paramount Vantage, it wasn't really under the main studio."
You gotta understand, if you're a studio exec, you have to be paranoid, because one, you have no talent. No studio exec does, they are Accounting and Marketing majors and two EVERYONE wants your job. Everyone is looking for a reason to take your job from under you. So if you are a high paying exec, you have to make sure that every film you greenlight, is going to make its money back. In a sense, you're betting on the winning horse over and over again.
So what do we do as an audience if we want original, good film making? Nothing. There is absolutely nothing we can do. As an audience we have our hands tied behind our back. We have to settle for recycled crap just so the execs look good. In essence, that's all we are doing. We are making people richer than us look good. Where is the integrity in film? Where is the risk and newness.
I read that Mark Millar is thinking of revamping the Superman Franchise AGAIN! I mean how many times can we try to bring something back to life. I mean the Incredible Hulk was beaten to death. Well, YOU as an audience have to be more savvy. You have to demand better film by not being persuaded by big name stars in big budget films. This is what irks me about Wanted last weekend. I saw it finally. It was just as I expected. Big names, big stars, no real heart.
Well Filmfans, there is not much to look forward to as far as original ground breaking film. We are stuck with Hannah Montana and A Team and MORE TERMINATORS. How many more Terminators can we take? Even Beverly Hills Cop is returning for a fourth run. Although I have to say, I am looking forward to that. Though most franchises need to be put to rest.
So if an actors' strike does happen what will we really be missing? The sad answer film fans is noting. We are missing nothing. The Hollywood players now are all rehashers. They are bottom feeders. Maybe this Oscar season, we can find something worth watching that's new and original. Cause Hollywood could care less about originality. Until Tomorrow, let's talk film!