Ok, let's talk film. Now is funny, ironic, strange, true, what have you. Well. the National Congress for Down Syndrome has a point. However, reading between the lines here is worth the while. The new film, Tropic Thunder with Ben Stiller, is already being criticized for its use of the word "retard". Ben Stiller's character is apparently accused of or is Mentally Disabled in the film, which takes place in the 70's before PC was invented. Well PC was uninstilled in the minds of Americans. I am trying to fully understand the problem with this. I know there is a fine line. I know this. There is a very fine line between funny and offensive. But, let's just brainstorm here.
I saw Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay the other night. I laughed very hard. There are a lot of racial jokes in there. Tons. It is wall to wall racial humor. This is how we survive in our society. We are supposed to laugh at ourselves. Well I believe those of us that are healthy do. Some people don't though. Some people go through life miserably. They don't smile at anything.

Well, these may be those people or this thought. I think I know what National Congress for Down Syndrome is trying to do. They are trying to make sure that they have a say. I don't think they are really trying to censor anything. I think they are trying to just put their two cents out there. I actually don't even believe that these people really care. They know Hollywood sometimes makes fun of everything and everyone to just sell a ticket. And like is just said, it is healthy for us as a society to laugh at serious things once in a while to keep us sane.
No I am not condoning total degradation. I don't believe in that. But what you have here is Ben Stiller, Jack Black, and Robert Downey Jr. I don't believe any of these actors are or would get into anything malicious. Consider the source. Well here is the secret, I think they do consider the source. I think they are making waves here in an ocean that they know is not deadly. Its much ado about nothing! These are people are just saying "oh yeah, you're making fun of Mentally Disabled Americans! Uh Stop it!" I don't even think they are making fun. Why am I even talking about this in this much detail. I am glad you asked.
Because we are going to run into the grapevine factor with this rumor. This accusation will inflate if it isn't already. I am sure in about a week, some people will not see it because the will think the whole film makes fun of "retards". I'm quite sure that is not true. Ben Stiller raises money for Lou Gehrig's disease, among others. These are actors and filmmakers who are trying to mame us laugh. I don't think they are purposely doing cruel humor, I think they are trying to push the envelope of humor without totally offending. Yes it is a fine line. I remember what my friend Ralf always told me. "An ametur comedian dresses up like an old lady and gets pushed down the stairs, a Professional comedian pushes an old lady down the stairs." There is a lot of truth to that.

Let's take this to another level. If you haven't guessed, I am not offended by racial humor. I am a Mexican American and I do not take Mexican jokes offensively. I like Carlos Mencia. I am not offended by Cheech and Chong. However, I am offended by fart and dick jokes. I get really offended when someone gets kicked in the balls in a film. I am offended when someone gets hit in the head or falls down the stairs. Why? Because it offends my intelligence. I think we as a society should rise against the "whatever" Movie. (begin Patriotic music) You know Date Movie, Superhero Movie, Epic, and such. They might as well have a self parody called Shit Movie. Why not. It could be a farce of a farce. That makes fun of all the very non funny parodies. They are not funny. At all. Not one of these films are funny. And the writers of these films throw together 80 minutes of awful humor (not even the standard 90 minutes for Feature Film) And then they charge 11.50 a ticket. What a waste! That is an insult. These are the films that insult me! And they should insult you! Rise against them! And I honestly hope Ben Stiller goes easy on the Mentally Disabled. Why? Because he is Jwish anyway! AND Because we all had to sit through Cable Guy. That film was retarded enough. Until tomorrow let's talk film!