Ok, let's talk film. Just when I thought I was done talking about this Sex and the City movie, another male bashing article is published today in the LA Times. I am actually tired of talking about SATC, not because I am against the film, but because I don't like talking about one film for too long after it's released. I haven't talked about Indiana Jones after it was released and that is my favorite movie series of all time. But this SATC won't go into future weeks quietly. (I actually didn't think it would anyway) It's sparking demand for more female film. WHICH I AGREE WITH! In case my over repeating that is lost. I think I am doing a great service in my minuscule blog, begging Hollywood to make more complex films along with Super Hero films to appeal to all audiences.
I know it's a meager plea to a multitude of cinematic corporations who won't stop poring millions of dollars into comic book heroes and toy companies. Well, the point here is by Greg Braxton of the LA times. Apparently he saw the movie with a bunch of girls on a girls night out. Which by the way I wrote about the girls night outs a week before the papers did. I like to think on the cutting edge. But this guy goes on to say, "Every once in a while, he should turn off The Game, ditch the remote, put on some clean clothes and embrace his feminine side."
WELL FILMFANS! This is exactly who Hollywood thinks we are. Hollywood is telling you here in this article who they think the main movie going demographic is. They think the FANBOYS and GEEKS or worse, the SPORTSFANS, don't take showers. We apparently need to put on clean clothes. Hell we may even need our mom's to dress us. So there it is, this is what Greg, most WANNABEES out there and all of Hollywood think of FANBOYS. They think very low of us.

And what's with this "get in touch with our feminine side." So, we have to get in touch with our female inner selves in order to watch this film. Well most of us are smart enough to watch SATC and understand it without procuring estrogen. Yet, Greg and his self righteous group of girls think we are afraid to watch it. They do think that. Well I hope I speak for everyone when I say that we are not afraid to watch it, we just can't really relate to it. It's about four women who talk about relationships. It's witty and funny, I do like it, but do we have to be totally immersed in it to enjoy it? Probably not. Can we just go in with our "male side" and enjoy it? Absolutely.
Let's turn the tables here. I would write that in order to appreciate next year's Transformers 2, women need to wash their hair more than once a week, put down the Cosmo (magazine) and get in touch with their manly side to appreciate director Michael Bay's Transformers. How silly does that sound? I know some women I have dated appreciate Transformers, Star Trek and Sex and the City. So why can't us Fan boys appreciate it all also!? We can. We do! Well most of us.
I vie for Female equality in movie promotion, why then in return can they see us for both also. Well, Greg I think you need to check your ego at the door, you're starting to think as an exec.
Moving along, I have been saying this for a long time FilmFans. Blockbuster is anticipating the demise of in store video rentals. Article in Video Business, states that Blockbuster CEO Jim Keyes is opening a few Kiosks in certain Blockbusters to allow customers to DL movies at the store using a handheld device. Specifically the Archos Generation 5 Media player. I am guessing IPods are not compatible right off the bat. It's a good idea, I just don't think enough people have the technology to do this. It will inadvertently be cable companies who draw the final blueprints on this thing. Cable companies are far more equipped to handle that kind of future demand.

Blockbuster is beginning to hear the death rattle of in store video rentals. I have heard this rattle for a while. I have been hoping for it because I have been to Blockbuster Stores and I will say that the Customer Service sucks. I have never had a good experience with Blockbuster employees. I don't know if anyone has had a good experience, but it seems that the entire concept of Customer Service is lost among Blockbuster employees. I think this is one of the reasons for their failure. I believe that we want a extra friendly experience. We want personal password or card activation or face recognition, in case we forget our cards.
As long as Blockbuster has cold employees, we will look forward to the demise of the corporation. That's the only thing Blockbuster could do to survive, up its customer service standard. Otherwise it will go the way of the Dodo bird.
Well that's not really talking film, but we do talk about film and things film related. Except gossip, no one cares about that.

WELL! I know I am always on the cutting edge of Hollywood, I am not saying I would be a good Exec, but I do know their thought process even before they do! And to prove this once again, RottenTomatoes has published the 50 most popular TV adaptions of all time! This is a start! This is a start for Hollywood to roll them out again. But not with Big Name Actors NO! With the SAME actors as on the TV, that will be the difference. That will be the new NICHE for TV adaptions! Expect it it's coming! I am here to provide you with accurate predictions Filmfans! Believe in me, cause I believe in you!
Until tomorrow! Let's talk film!