Something that gets me excited, the new trailer for Jon Avnet's Righteous Kill is online at Apple Trailers. The cool thing about this film is that it stars Robert de Niro and Al Pacino. I know that both have picked substandard roles in the past after their iconic roles, but should we give them our respect and trust anyway? I am. The script is by the writer of Inisde Man, the Spike Lee, un Spike Lee movie that was really good and not filled with Spike infusion of racial politics. Not that there is anything worng with that. He is an amazing voice for African-American people in film, yet it was nice to see him to a taught thriller. ANYWAY, that writer's name is Russell Gewirtz, and this film looks really good.
I am excited to see Al and Bobby on the same screen again since Heat. They were not even on the same screen in Heat. Every shot was an over the shoulder shot of each of them. Rumors have always speculated that those scenes with them "together" were shot separately with body doubles. They are not any shots in the film with the two visibly on screen. In this trailer they are visible together and it looks good. Let the impersonations begin! "Ohh ahh! ohh Ahh!" "Just when I get out they pull me back in!" On this quiet, traffic filled Memorial Day here are some of the best war movies ever. I don't believe in lists, cause everyone's taste is different. I believe lists are a tad arrogant, yes I did say arrogant and I am NOT doing it. Shocking I know. I am not ALWAYS ego filled. Until tomorrow, Let's talk film!