Ok, let's talk film. Despite bad reviews of "Fast and Furious", this film will make a Gazillion dollars. Well, I predict 67 Million for this outing of the franchise. Can you call it a franchise? I dunno. I mean the middle films three and four were just fingernail holds on the cliff of a franchise after Vin Diesel left. The second grossed a decent box office take. It was enough to garnish a sequel. The "Tokyo Drift" one was the biggest piece of fluff I have ever seen. Metro sexual dressed Japanese driving rather safely did not rake in the totals expected for a third film. The F and F audience does not want to see safe driving. They want to see dangerous driving with Vin Diesel. They want a stick it to the man movie. The other films were too scared that the audience will drive like the movie. Well we won't. But we want to see it. I think F and F producers figured that out.
You have to remember also how this franchise grew. It was a B picture. The budget for the first one was 38 million. That's nothing for a blockbuster film. Hence it was not a blockbuster. It became one because it was a pretty good film. I know. I know. A good film. Hollywood still doesn't know what that is yet. They make a good film and they spend four to ten more attempts to repeat the first high. Isn't the definition of addiction? I dunno. There is just too much excitement in Hollywood. It stifles creativity. Creativity is not born in Hollywood parties and paychecks in excess of millions. It is up to the individual artist (i.e. actor, director, screenwriter) to forget the glitz and glamor and get into the story. Pixar does it! They lock themselves in a room and forget that everyone has five cars at home. It can be done.
Well the whole cast returning and Justin Lin the director here will make this film very decent and I am excited to see it. I will see it this weekend as will a gazillion other people. Bank on it and look for a sequel to the 4th one. Which these days in Hollywood makes perfect sense.
And now let the Bay bashing begin!

Bay was at ShoWest this week. It is a convention for threater owners to see what's new and such. It's in San Diego. He had some of this to say in front of an audience.
From Collider.com
·Calls 3-D ‘a gimmick’
·Says when Paramount announced a 2011 release date for Transformers 3 they were playing ‘studio games’ and maybe using Transformers as a way of holding that date
·When I asked if he’s definitely doing Transformers 3, he said let’s wait and see how 2 does
·Talks about what’s better in Transformers Revenge of the Fallen
·Says the budget for second Transformers was 200 million and that he came in 4 million under budget. Said they are using extra money on more effects
·Talks about the IMAX footage – says it’s much easier to shoot than stereoscopic
·Explains what’s the most challenging of the special effects
Talks about why ShoWest is important and explains why you need to see his films in a movie theater
I have so many problems with Michael Bay I don't know where to begin. Well first he is an uninteresting director. None of his films are interesting. They are all loud car crashes that don't make any sense regarding plot. He's good with the military, I will give him that. Yet, because of which all of his films look like recruiting films for the 4 branches of military.
First off, 3D is not a gimmick, Mike. It's a new way to enhance the movie going experience. We have amazing technology and we are using it wisely. You have three of the the most influential directors betting the farm on 3D. (Peter Jackson, James Cameron and Steven Spielberg) And here is Bay, not even caught up with the idea yet. This is testament to how far behind Bay is in cutting edge cinema thought. He is a caveman of creativity. His ideas and camera angles are all wrong. This is who he is. He will never be a cutting edge, interesting director because his ego is way too large.
He goes onto saying why it is important to see HIS films in a theater. I am glad you caught that too. He doesn't talk of all blockbuster film. Just HIS films. Ok, Mike. your ego is huge, your talent is small. Everyone knows it. Until later, let's talk film!