Ok, let's talk film Let's wrap this up quickly regarding the comic showdown this weekend. I predicted Get Smart would shatter Love Guru and it did. I was gonna talk about Kung Fu Panda and how much Hollywood hates the fact that it is still doing well. Well that can be read on Saturday's blog.
I watching a Knight's tale this weekend with my mother and nephew as usual. No I am not a mamma's boy. All points to the contrary. But as I was watching I remembered how much the loss of Heath Ledger affected me. It really affected me more that I can say. Yes, a loss of a close family member would be more awful, but I believe that every life is sacred in this world and can be mourned akin to a personal tragedy if attachment is there. Heath was one of my totally favorite actors and his loss in film cut me deep. I could easily not bring this up and write a memo to someone about this, but I am choosing to talk about it because on of the roles I was excited about seeing him in is going to be one of the biggest releases this summer.
I don't think anyone will be as passionate and even darkly intrigued to see this film and Heath's last performance. (Other than Gilliam's Dr. Parnassus, I know. But, I am talking about total Blockbuster here.) I just bring it up for that reason. The reason that posthumous art makes it worth more. Ledger's death will make the film make more money at the Box office. How can I say something so insensitive? Well one, because it's me. If you know me, I can be very insensitive. And two because its true. Any artist's post death's work is worth more. As for me, I will have trouble watching it.
I really loved him as an actor and it will hard for me to see a groundbreaking performance from a super talented actor and never being able to see that duplicated. And the thought I know you all want me to say...Yes if execs could kill off certain stars to improve box office, they would. Well maybe that is too ridiculous to say. But I am sure they think it. Say you're an exec, if you make three hits in a row, you can never worry about money for the rest of your life and be invited to every party ever, forever. Of course they think it. What did Gordon Gekko say in Wall Street, you know it! "Greed is good."
What execs really think. Just substitude the word MOVIE for COMPANY.
Then today I did a search of movie blogs because I wanted to see my competition out there. And I actually didn't find any real competition. I mean I only have one person who reads this, but I think mine is superior. And since only one person reads this, I feel comfortable saying that. So, I found more patient blogs out there than mine. Most blogs in the blogosphere. are far more patiently written than mine. I do get points faster than I should, but I take for granted that YOU, the one person who reads this, is super smart. I honestly take for granted everyone is smart , because I think most people are. I am not Hollywood who thinks everyone is stupid.

Seems like every week, we lose someone. Its not even April. Another Horrible loss in Hollywood yesterday, George Carlin has passed at 71. If you don't recognize him, his picture is below as well as he was in every Kevin Smith film because Kevin Smith liked him a lot. He was crude, rude, a curmudgeon and always funny. I personally didn't hear all his stuff, but what I heard made me laugh. God bless him and his family.

Moving forward to interesting news before we get to the focus of the week. The focus of the week is how much Hollywood hates Pixar. Well get to that all week no worries. But News is that Ridley Scott is doing a Robin Hood film. Well maybe you knew that for a while, it has been news for a while. The thing that is interesting is that that ARE doing a Robin Hood. There have been too many Robin Hoods. That idea has been done over and over again. Well you may say that Hollywood is typical for this. And as you guessed, I totally agree. But Ridley Scott doing a worn idea two greenlights away from Vampire overdone status? And casting Russell Crowe?

Well I have two theories on this. They actually may be the same theory. Let's talk this out and find out. So maybe Scott and Crowe and found a great script and its the most wonderful Robin Hood script ever. Its Robin Hood begins and Christian Bale was interested. I write that sentence with my instinct and I remember that Bale was actually attached at one point. Hollywood literally wants to reboot everything with Christian Bale. They think he is reason for Batman's new found success.
Let me say this to you people (execs) so you can hear me. Cause it's just not sinking in. CHRISTOPHER NOLAN IS THE TALENT IN THE BATMAN FILMS!!!!!!!!!!. I am getting tired of saying this. NOLAN is the visionary. He is the director. Bale is wonderful as Batman, but he not no where near the reason for its success. One more time execs...Hire NOLAN not BALE if you want to duplicate a Batman Begins success for a possible "(enter dead cow idea) Begins" possible success.
I doubt they heard me anyway. hehe. Moving on with a better disposition, a second theory is that...well these are two big and talented stars. Why are they doing a Robin Hood film after both actors have broken tremendous ground doing Original film? Sounds very strange huh? Well I have an answer for you. Scott and Crowe are original on their own, but they still have to go through execs to have their ideas greenlighted. They need the studios to fund their ideas. And since anyone who has talent in Hollywood, goes to Pixar or Dreamworks, the remaining hacks out there will only greenlight ideas that have built in audiences. As if an original film by Scott and Crowe wasn't enough to lure audiences. But you have to think like an exec. Ridley Scott and Russell Crowe doing a time tested Robin Hood idea is built in 20 Mil opening weekend Handicap.
Meaning if the film somehow sucks a blow storm, they can still swallow 20 mil because of the recognizability of the idea and the talent. Its safe. Its execs covering their butts. I think a combo of my theories is true, Scott has found a great script, that is a time tested idea AND the studios will greenlight such and idea without too much thought. So we will have to settle with this dead cow idea, that I am sure Scott will make into a cool film No doubts about that. The POINT! Give us something original. We beg for it!
So this week. Hollywood hates Pixar again. This is one of my favorite subjects to write about. I will write about it tonight and post tomorrow. I have to go live my boring life now.
Look for my joke on Letterman tonight!
Until tomorrow, let's talk film!
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