Ok, let's talk film. I have talked about this before. Yes I must say that most of the things that may or may not happen in Hollywood, I predict or talk about way before they happen. Why? Because I am in the KNOW, my film fans. I am in the know. I know how these execs think sometimes better than they do. They are easy to predict. SO Jon Favreau is officially signed on for Iron Man 2. Yay. But, we all know what Marvel was waiting for. They waited for The Incredible Hulk numbers to roll in before they made a decision on whether or not to do separate sequels of the Hulk and Iron man or to do one BIG INCLUSIVE sequel. If the Hulk made a lot of money it would be one big sequel. If the Hulk did not it would be separate sequels. It is simple. That's exactly what was going on. And if the sequel was inclusive Jon Favreau would be cut from the deal. He would not be rehired. They would have rehired the Hulk director or another huge action director like Jan De Bont.
It's simple. The execs thinking fits nicely into a little thought box. The above thought is exactly what the everyone at Marvel thought. Bank on it! SO, Jon Favreau knew this. But, he didn't want to take it lying down, so, as I wrote a month ago, (me and every other site for this particular fact) Jon wrote on his Myspace that Marvel was in essence messing with him. I mean they already put out a release date for 2010 for Iron Man 2 and refused to formally tell Jon about it. If your birthday party was announced and you weren't invited, and it's been a month, wouldn't you worry? So he wrote about how bitter he was about this. Well the fans in retort to this wrote Marvel and demanded they hire back Jon because he is responsible for the success of Iron Man. Why? Because he is a director that knows actors and story and Iron Man was latent with both. It was good. Very good.
The whole world knew that if you stick another director in there, you will miss the strength of acting and story that only a director like Favreau brings. That made Iron Man popular. Ok that's it, period. Simple. Yes? You would think. So Hulk underperformed and Marvel hires back Jon. They are repeating same formula since their Hulk/Iron Man idea didn't work. The numbers where not there! Simple still. Yes? You would think. Ok so there are many bloggers out there, including me, who are dumbfounded how this reporter could get this very simple story totally and completely wrong. Nikki Finke writes in Deadline Hollywood the following:

"It's not officially announced yet, but I'm told that Marvel Studios and Iron Man director Jon Favreau have reached a deal for him to helm the sequel, due out in 2010. (Robert Downey Jr had a sequel clause in his contract so of course he's on board...) Marvel Studios boss David Maisel was quick to put out a "definitely" richer offer to Favreau, but not quick enough for Jon -- who used the Internet to rile up the movie's many fans by spreading nonsense that Marvel was dragging its feet with an offer and then low balling him. Granted Maisel is no day at the beach himself, but, seriously, could Favreau have been more of an asshole"
Oh man. I don't even know where to begin with this. Or maybe I don't have to. If you have read this far you are probably laughing at this reporter. I am sure you are laughing hysterically as I am. It's out of touch. It's far fetched. It's like Nikki...I don't want to say anything to perpetuate this further. It is out of touch and unbelievable.
Moving on with things I have already talked about and need to talk about again. Well, I have figured that my blog will repeat itself with some choice information. I vow to repeat things if necessary until Hollywood "gets it". I will take that upon myself. But it doesn't bother me FilmFans for this is why I am here. I don't write a personal blog because I am still in therapy and I don't know if I am ready for that yet. And if I did personally blog, I would never give out the address anyway. So I write about the one subject I know through and through - films, execs, and well films. So I am here for you. To inform you what is really going on in Hollywood.
Well here is a Story in the LA Times. Let's begin with a quote, "We feel that 3-D films will continue, at least for the foreseeable future, to produce the revenues per film necessary to support the equipment and on-going operating costs of the 3-D theaters."

Ok, basically movie theatres are not equipping themselves for the inevitable 3-D revolution because they haven't produced the revenues enough to justify the buying of new projectors for the Movie Theaters. Again I am speechless to this news. Hollywood is putting out at least a DOZEN 3D films for next year. James Cameron's Avatar, Monster's vs Aliens, and a whole slew of others and the theaters themselves refuse to get on the band wagon! How infantile this response is by the theater owners!

Film makers are telling these theater owners what to expect and they are ignoring them. I can't help, my film fans and smart Hollywood players, to equate this to Noah and the Great Flood. This is exactly what it seems to me as relating to. There will be a flood of 3D films flooding multi plexes. Flooding! And the theater owners will not do anything about it. Audiences will want to see these upcoming films in 3D. Why not? Its new and we as audiences will demand it. But, they are worried about financial justification first. Well, I can say I understand the plain logic. I do. But, this is an inevitable situation. They have to look at that. A heck of a lot films will be in 3D very soon. There will be a new 3D revolution in Hollywood. It will happen. And only when it may be too late will theater owners react. What else is new?
Until tomorrow, let's talk film!
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