Ok, let's talk film. It was an amazing performance. It was a inspired performance. It was a nothing less than legendary performance by Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight. I was completely blown away. I honestly thought it was up there with Anthony Hopkins and Javier Bardem. I do think that. It was surprisingly chilling. When I walked in to see it, I expected a great, eclectic performance. What I got was an inside look at a mad man. It was bone chilling. I was actually afraid at the character on the screen. This is a villain that will stand out when lists of villains are made. Anthony Hopkins, Javier Bardem, James Earl Jones, Alan RIckman, Heath Ledger...He has added himself to the list of all time frightening villains.
It was an incredible performance in a film that was akin to Heat with Al Pachino. This was not a Batman film at all. I felt the weakest link here was actually Christian Bale as the Batman. He was completely upstaged by Aaron Ekhart also. How about that performance? That was breathtaking and heartbreaking to see a villain who was really a good guy. He was quite honestly turned to the dark side. I believed it. Well no spoilers here. I don't do that. I don't so spoilers, I don't do lists. None of that nonsense. But what an amazing film. I believe that Ledger already won the Oscar. In my humble opinion, he would have been nominated if he were alive anyway. It is that good of a performance. But now that he is no longer with us, I believe he will win. How about them political apples?
Well today, Robert Orci one of the writers of Transformers 2 said that Michael Bay did not write any of Transformers 2 as Bay as told everyone on the planet that he did have some part of. Well the record is straight today. I am actually glad that Robert got the guts to come forward and say that about Mr Bullhorn. Mr Bay is an infantile director who is no better than an extra on ER who rides past the camera in a stretcher bleeding from the forehead. Well enough Bay bashing. The record is straight Bay does not write scripts.

Vin Diesel, the huge action star who's career stalled like a broken down VW bug trying to get on the Autobahn. About ten years ago Vin vowed to never do sequels. He was totally against it. No sequels for me he said. That is why he passed up sequels to Fast and Furious and XXX. Well the market for those sequels was hot at the time so the studios still pressed on with lackluster results. Well now Vin says he is more mature to make better decisions and now he is doing another XXX. He already is in pre-production with Fast and Furious 4. And now he is trying to salvage his career with sequels to films he once snubbed.
Well I hate to say "I David Caruso you". But I will anyway. I mean as much as I bag on Execs, at least they have the good sense to follow the scent of success. I hate to maybe say it, but some actors are dumber than some execs. They turn away from the golden calf. Why Vin took such a ridiculous stance is very hard to say. But its nice to know he will be returning to to what he should have done a while ago. Then could have been spared Ice Cube and Tokyo Drift. Until Tomorrow, Let's talk film!
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