Ok, let's talk film. Happy signing of the Declaration of Independence day to you. I hope everyone parties like it's 1776! Woo Hoo! I was inevitably reminded that the signing of the Declaration of Independence was treason at the time. The Framers of our country put their lives on the line to do something great. Too bad studio execs can't do the same. Strange enough, execs love the story of the lone man who goes against what everyone is saying and strives for greatness. But, then they develop the same boning story over and over.
That kind of goes against the true meaning of art doesn't it? Art is supposed to imitate life. If art imitated an execs life it would be incredibly boring with Sushi lunches and quick, empty conversations. That's why execs adapt stories. They have no stories of their own to tell. They are privileged, they have money and notoriety. They want excitement. They crave it.
The real ones who write the stories are people who experience real pain and loss in life. They put their life on the line for others. Most of them could take or leave sushi. They are not vegans or Stanford educated. The crazy thing is that execs want to be good writers, they want to be the hero. But they can't be. They are bound by their stature and public standing and therefore cannot take chances like we can.
I promised myself I would not bag on execs at all today. And look at me. Oh well, its my favorite thing to do. Cause I will probably never be rich or famous. I have come to terms with that. But I will never be unoriginal. I will always have original stories and thoughts. Execs never will. Well its' a happy day today. A day of fireworks. So lets post some scenes that not necessarily have a 4th theme but, have FIREWORKS. Cause that's what its all about. Watching performances that lit up like fireworks on screen. ATTICA!!!! Anyone?! Happy 4th. Short post cause its a holiday. And there is a shortage of good articles to comment on. Hollywood has the day off anyway. Why shouldn't I? Until Monday! Let's talk film!
There are WAAAAYY too many to choose, just off the top of my head performances that made the screen EXPLODE!!!
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