Ok, let's talk film. And some of you still say that Execs have a heart of gold buried somewhere deep in their black chest. I think not. Now I do like to talk of the craft of film and I do that sometimes. In fact I think I do that a lot. I Talk about actual film often. But, one of my joys in life is attacking Hollywood executives They are no talent blood suckers who stifle creativity. They rework director's talent to keep all film on a happy keel so that it appeals to a "broad audience". In other words, we don't want to get real with film because someone somewhere might raise their eyebrows. I mean someone somewhere may not like it if John Cusack didn't end up with Kate Beckinsale at the end of Serendipity. Because that's how the film should have ended.
And just when I think execs can't get any scummier, they prove me wrong the next day. Here is the last atrocity that Fox has done. I will sum it up quickly. Read the article if you want to know the legality. Fox acquired rights to Watchmen in 91. They decided not to do it, too expensive or whatever. My friend at Fox Angie Averitt wasn't doing the marketing then, so they said forget it. They opted to "quitclaim" the rights. Meaning I believe, they don't want to do the film, but if someone else does make it, they have to repay development costs (all those sushi lunches)and give Fox Royalties. In order to remain in compliance with this, the new owner would have to pay up front sans the royalties of course to FOX.
Well Warner Bros didn't pay enough or at all and Fox never said a word to remind them. This is low. This is the lowest I have ever seen execs work. It is mean and totally unethical to wait until Warner has the film completed until they exercised their claim. Well in the eyes of an exec, its not. They obviously waited to see if the film was good or not. Then they claimed their rights. I doubt if the film was bad, they would care. This is exactly what happened. Warner settled but Fox lawyers who originally held the contract, held something back. I am not a legal person, but you don't have to be to smell this manure. Fox waited. They waited until the film was done then said, "oh that's mine, by the way" How childish! This move by Fox execs is appalling. I mean come on, say something before the filming. WTF? Fox can't even act like a responsible adult.
They did not want to make Watchmen, they were sitting on it for 16 years. And now, yes ALL OF A SUDDEN, they want to pee a circle around it. Well I think we all get the idea here. So what is going to happen? Well Fox is going to get major royalties or they will settle for a lump sum which the latter seems ridiculous. They are trying to delay the release of Watchmen, slated for March 2009. I want to say this again and close with this. This is because Warner has made a good film out of it. Warner Bros makes good comic book films. Superman and Batman anyone. FOx has the problem, Fantastic Four and X Men? Not SO good.
So Fox sits back and lets Warner make Watchmen waiting for something to go wrong or go right. Fox does not want to stop it from being made because where is the fun in that? They had a sneaky feeling that is would be good. If they said something before filming, then the film may never get made. But if you wait until the film is finished, then you get the best of both worlds. This is mayhem. This is the devil rubbing his palms together and laughing. Its maniacal.
I would really like to say this surprises me, but again it doesn't. Its hungry, needy no talent execs making money. Blood money. No talent to fall back on. Petty back stabbing to rely on. It honestly makes me sick this time. We pay our 10.50 or so to see film made by people who act like children. Mean children. I would like to see Fox eat crow here. I really would. This is the lowest I have ever seen execs go. Sorry Angie that you have to work with snakes. You have talent. Until Tomorrow, let's talk film!
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