Ok, let's talk film. Well, Spider Man 2 has it. Iron Man has it. Sex and the City totally has it. What is it? Honest, personal film. Here goes, I was watching Spider Man 2 with my Mother and Nephew today and I remembered that Spider Man 2 is a great superhero film. What happened to all the others. Well Batman Begins is amazing also, there is no getting around that. But I was thinking of a superhero film that has it all. Batman Begins is a superior film, yet it is very dark. Spider Man 2 is a film that is not dark like Batman Begins. Spidey 2 is infused with good drama, comedy, and an opportunity to really root for the hero. So what happened to number three? I actually think the execs were not to blame for the failure of the third one. I know shocking that I would give the overpaid execs sympathy, but here on the third Spider Man film, I blame Sam Raimi himself. He hired a relative to pen the script with him. I know? What the hell? Well here the execs did give Raimi too much power and he choked, which I cannot balme execs for.
Well Iron Man is a great film. I have a point here, just hang on. Marvel will want to remain in control of their films to prevent another Spidey 3 from happening. I agree with that. But I don't agree with them replacing Jon Favreau. So there are tremendous factors weighing on the execs. So, these execs have a lot to think about between sushi lunches. Well here is the thing. In watching Spider Man 2 and Iron Man when I saw it...I thought wow these are great character driven pieces. Jon Favreau is the direct opposite of Michael Bay. I was reminded about how Marvel execs want Iron Man 2 to be "A Michael Bay Film". They do. They want to rip the heart out the franchise. How do I know this? Because they have not renewed Favreau's contract. Simple.
So, to wrap up this thought, I think of all the great films ever made and I am reminded of the only thing that really sells in Hollywood. There is and will always be one thing that sells in Hollywood. What is that? No, not sex. The thing that will ALWAYS be Hollywood's main product is Honesty. Always. Even if they are unaware of what they sell the most of. You know the best films out there, superhero or Academy Award contender is drenched in HONESTY. Personal, honest stories sell the most. It's all we want to see. It is the only thing we can connect with. There is no better way to silence a audience than with earned silence. Explosions and Michael Bay's infantile directing does not connect with us, an honest, scene does.
The part that gets me the most in the above mentioned Superhero Movies are the parts when Peter Parker is Honestly struggling with who he is. The Subway scene when everyone carries him. In Iron Man the scene where Pepper is changing Tony's "Heartlight" as I call it. It is honest and funny and VULNERABLE. If the execs replace Favreau, I guarantee you that honesty in the franchise will be gone forever. Also on the same note, if a Director like Raimi one Spider Man 3 or Bay on every film he does, get bloated egos and lose the sensitive touch, it will fail. It take an honest director telling a personal story and the overpaid, talentless execs to leave him alone. Sometimes that does happen. Sometimes they realize that honestly is the only thing that Hollywood will ever sell the most of. LEARN IT HOLLYWOOD. LEARN IT.
Super producer GALE ANN HURD, whom is an exec who I respect a lot, heck, she was married to James Cameron and she gave us Point Break! How awesome is that? She talks about The HULK and exudes her over confidence for something that might fall flat. You can read that here. the only point I wanted to make of that is she speaks of "cross pollination" of the super hero characters that I talked about yesterday. I laugh at cross pollination. She must be referring to also he ex husband, Cameron's infidelities. Ouch! I know. :)

But here is a woman who know where this is all going. It's all moving to one large superhero film. Let's hope someone can pull it off! Well the thing here is that HURD along with the other execs believe that we are GOING to plop down our money to see it or any Superhero film they release. They still think that Honestly is second and explosions are first. I predict they are in for a very rude awakening this weekend. As I have said before in previous blogs, we as an audience demand total honesty. It's the only thing we will buy. I believe the HULK will do not do as well as they think.
I think Shamyalan will have a good weekend despite his crappy reviews. I think the Happening will come in a good second, taking money away from the HULK. Its gonna make all execs drop their IPHONES. It's gonna be funny. It will remind them that WE control the box office. We always will. Sorry guys. You're gonna have to give is total honesty and personal stories. There is NO getting around it.
Until Tomorrow! Let's talk film!
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