Ok, let's talk film. These other bloggers and journalists out there never cease to amaze me. Everyone has Superhero fever today. Everywhere I look or read someone is excited about an upcoming adaption or sequel. Which brings me to my first point. The anticipation here for sequels and movies themselves are just that, empty anticipation. I don't think anyone is concerned about quality out there. They say they do. I am sure you who are reading this is saying, "Oh YES we in Hollywood are totally concerned with quality, we aim for superior quality". And I say, no you don't.
If you, Hollywood people, were concerned with quality, you would not be so eager to make the first film a giant trailer for the sequel or for other films. That's what this HULK is. It is a giant trailer for the future sequels. Its not a dramatic story with uncertain conclusions that are going to set us up for true anticipation. NO! Look at the Empire Strikes Back. Remember how intriguing that was to watch so many secrets spill out, whip our heads around and say WOW! "Can't wait to see how it all turns out" There are no more great cliffhangers like that in film. All we see now is Tony Stark poking his head in for a few and basically saying, "I will see you in the sequel". That is all the cliffhanger-ness we get these days. HUGE note to screenwriters, make it dramatic and interesting, so we say, "Wow, I didn't see that coming, I can't wait to see the resolution.

Well it is painfully obvious with the release of the Incredible Hulk that we do not get true cliffhangers, we get written invitations that say, "We (the execs) really need big numbers for this and the sequel so that we can stay working in Hollywood" That's all we get.
Well, its gonna be a short blog today, I am feeling tired today, I may add more later.
Ok it's later. It's Saturday morning to be exact. I am feeling a lot better. I was working out all week. Yes I know, it's hard to believe. But I have thinking all morning about Box Office numbers of the past. Box Office numbers of yore...Long ago. Yes I do think of box office numbers on my spare time. Well actually, I was thinking about how the box office is shaping up to be. Well I went to Box Office Mojo and discovered that The Hulk did 21 Mil yesterday, Friday. Well it may sound like a lot, but it isn't. Looking at the past numbers, I found out that Iron Man did 35 million in its opening weekend. Indiana Jones did 30 in its opening weekend. I even went back all the way to last years numbers.
I went back to 2007. Yeah way back then. Crazy I know. And there is a very good point. Last year Spider Man 3 did 60 million on its first day, Pirates 3 did 35 on its first day. What does the first day matter Jeff? Well let me tell you. The first Friday a film opens pretty much sets the standard for the rest of the weekend. Lets me explain this shortly, cause I don't feel like getting myself confused. So lets just take one example, the others pretty much follow this history. You can check Box Office Mojo yourself if you doubt me, but here goes...Iron Man does 35 Friday, 37 Sat. 26 Sun.
Ok, so here's the way it works. A film's opening day is big. The day after it only spikes 10% on average. On Sunday it usually drops 34% on average. It always does, it always will usually be that way. Need more proof? Ok. Spider Man 3 last year - 53, 59, 31. Pirates 3 - 42, 37, 34 for the three day weekend. So there it is. Hard numbers for you non believers. hehe. Anyway, you look at the Hulk and it does only 21 on Friday. So you hae to figure it will only raise to 26 then about 19 on Sunday. So that's a total of 66 million for the three day week. The Happening did 12 mil on Friday, it will spike to 15 if its lucky then 9 on Sunday. That brings us to a total of 36 Million. So that's a 30 million difference between the two.
Mind you this is all grand speculation but I think its accurate. With these Numbers its hard to warrant a sequel to the Hulk. Cause The Hulk will not have another 66 million dollar opening. So the people have spoken. The Hulk did not enchant us as the producers have hoped. I am sure they will find a reason to do a sequel. Don't they always have dead cow syndrome in Hollywood.
I think the good think about this particular weekend is that Shamyalan is still a player. I do like his integrity. He doesn't steal idea in Hollywood, he tries really hard to remain fresh. That says a lot more than the abundance of hacks out there.
Go watch the Hulk or the Happening and until Monday! Let's talk film!
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