Ok, let's talk film. Terminator Salvation is the name of the new film that gets released next year, Summer 2009. Terminator Salvation-The Future Begins it is called. Whether it is beginning or ending who knows. Yet, they don't want to call it T4 because then we as an audience would just say, "another one? Come on!" But who is the real salvation here? The execs believe it's Christian Bale. They believe he is the new Savior of franchise reboot. You have to remember that Hollywood does what everyone else has proven successful already. That's no secret. So execs think that since Bale resurrected the Batman franchise to now masterpiece status, why can't he do the same for Terminator? Well two things about there here. Number one, Bale is not he savior of the Batman franchise, Christopher Nolan is. Nolan is the mastermind behind the success of Batman. That is the obvious thing that execs don't realize.

Well I take that back, what I think is really happening here is that they are trying to look at the marketing of the new Terminator film from our point of view. We all now that whenever execs try to look at film from our point of view, nothing but chaos ensues. Well, they think we are stupid. They really do! They think we think that Bale is the savior. If you look at the new trailer for it, you will see that Bale's name is right there at the beginning. It is there in front because they are trying to get us excited at his name since we as an audience are already excited at this new Batman film. It's dirty trick! It is. I found myself excited also at Bale's credit with the Terminator music. But then I remembered I was being tricked.
Execs are using his name to build false excitement. Why is it false excitement? I am glad you asked. It is false because we as an audience and you as a savvy Hollywood player, know that Bale is not the genius at work here. He is just a name. The excitement here in the trailer is nothing less than a sugar rush. It will not last unless the film is decent. We know the name behind the movie products we like. James Cameron was behind the good Terminator movies. Christopher Nolan is behind the good Batman movies. So who are execs trying to fool? Seriously? Who is the marketing department of the Terminator franchise trying to fool. No one. That is correct. They are fooling no one. No one really cares about the Terminator anymore. No one really knows what the hell is going on with the timeline anyway. What future? What past? Ask the execs, I am sure they don't have an answer either. I guarantee it.
Are you having trouble marketing a film? Well just deny what it is? Paramount picked up the independent film American Teen at Sundance last year and since then they have been trying to find a market. It's a documentary about five separate kids during their last year of HS. Sound interesting? Eh, I personally could take it or leave it. But, apparently its brought the house down at Sundance. Now I have a separate theory about Sundance. Things look way better at Sundance then they do in a regular theater. Industry folks cheering for a film there, is different than it performing well out in the actual market.

Well Paramount is now stuck with this documentary and no way to market it. Who wants to go see a documentary? Seriously?! Well their releasing it under the umbrella of Paramount Vantage which is to be expected. Saves them from taking full responsibility for it's failure. Well their new strategy for marking this according to the LA times in in the article here says that Paramount isn't even going to tell you it's a documentary. Heck, the first poster for this thing is a mock up of the first poster for The Breakfast Club 20 years ago. They are making you believe it's a Breakfast Club rehash. So not only does Paramount not want to tell you what the film is, they are tricking you into thinking its something else.

Where is the honest thinking behind this? There is none. They are trying to deceive you. Not only are they being dishonest with you, they are flat out lying. Because also, they don't even know if they want to market this to current high schoolers or to the nostalgia crowd. It's sad to see this. Sad to see Paramount trying to straight up lie to people to get them into theaters. But that is the strategy and thinking of Hollywood, they will lie to you to get your money. I am sure the film is great. But let us decide. Well they won't, they think we are stupid. This is already not good. And I don't think this film will float at all. Nothing good comes out of a lie.
Well Tonight at midnight starts the Batmania propelled by the death of Heath Ledger. Its gonna be a huge film for that reason and the positive reviews. The best thing about this marketing strategy, Warner Bros, doesn't have to lie. Well all know and feel the loss of that great actor deep in our hearts. Until tomorrow, let's talk film!
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