Ok, let's talk film. Well Diablo Cody is living the dream. Living the dream baby! I guess that's what it's all about. Article here says that Cody is very busy at work. You know Tina Fey is jealous of her. Cody is hotter and more talented. Fey is spinning her head around like Linda Blair because she is not the favorite girl on the block anymore. But that is just me picking on Tina. But, one of my favorite subjects is Diablo. She is beautiful and talented. And apparently whatever comes out of her mouth turns into a project. Man would I like that to be me. Oh well, I think she deserves it. She didn't deserve an Oscar yet, but that's my humble opinion.
She met with Spielberg a while a ago and he told her to write one of his ideas. How insane is that! She also sold a pitch to Universal. A pitch! I don't think it was even a pitch. I think it was a conversation that now is getting labeled as a pitch. She is the golden child in Hollywood now. I am happy for her. Someone give her my number, tell her to call me between 7-9pm PST. Before CSI on Thursday. Not during Heroes either please. We can talk. Hang. Get coffee whatever. ANYWAY. I hope she stays strong in all her writings. Her scripts are all named with girls names, Juno. Jennifer's Body, Tara. Very cool. Go with what works. Pray that she doesn't go the way of the Do-Do (M Night Shaymalan).

So let's talk about this Mamma Mia movie. How about that? This thing might have legs to it. I have seen the previews and it looks like a guilty pleasure. I would go see this film by myself and sit in the back and probably really enjoy it. Reviews say that this film is none less than a fun crowd pleaser. I can handle that. I may just be in the mood for that. Oh come on! You know deep down inside you want to see this too! It's a guilty pleasure. It is. I for one hate all ABBA songs. But aren't they catchy? Don't they get stuck in your head? This is the point here. I don't the story is going to be that interesting at all. A girl who doesn't know who her father is? Doesn't that happen every day anyway? Statistically that issue is a minority issue. No politics I am just stating fact here. Yet, this minority issue is being played by an all high class white cast. Well that's another blog. But just to throw that out there.
Sorry Miley, you weren't even considered...
I will not talk about that. I am sure everyone can draw their own conclusions on that one. And those offended please write Oprah about it. I am thrilled to see Meryl Streep remove the scowl and tears for once and let herself go. I totally love Colin Firth. And this is not the first time tough guys have sang. Don't forget Clint Eastwood in Paint Your Wagon. It's nice to see actors who normally play stoic faces sing and let go. Isn't this what performance is all about. Aren't movies and film make to made us feel ALIVE. Well, my film fans, this is going to be a guilty pleasure. Whether you admit to seeing it or not. Oh yeah, this article about the anticipation of Mamma Mia without my humble opinion is here.
I don't even know where to being with this next article. After I read it I had to pick myself up off of the floor. My jaw is still on the floor actually. This. Well the first line really made me faint actually. The title of this article is incredible and makes you want to invite all your friends over and read it aloud over and over again and laugh in hysterics. The title of the article is Michael Bay talks Transformers 2 and Friday the 13th remake. And it's by EW and it's beautiful. It's gorgeous. I want to put this up on my wall.
First quote the BayMeister himself when asked about Transformers 2, "When we were writing the script, I said to the writers, "I hate sequels that try to make it to the third movie. Pretend like we’re never having a third movie, so let’s go for broke on the second one. I hate those cliffhangers! Let’s just make this movie stand on its own." I really feel this movie is not a forced sequel. I think the script is really good, and I think it’s got a lot of new stuff in it. There are a lot of rumors out there, but we’ve released a lot of fake stuff. We’ve done a really good job of keeping things secret."

When WE were writing Michael? You have never written a script ever! EVER! AND it's all about marketing for the third film. Any studio exec would tell you that. This is not a football game. This is the film industry. EMPIRE STRIKES BACK! Remember that cliffhanger that made everyone stand in line for days for Return of the Jedi? Apparently, Mike doesn't want that kind of grand anticipation or really long lines at his future films. Well at least we know what NOT to expect from Transformers 2. We can not look forward to a good cliffhanger to jump start excitement for a third film. Thanks Mike. We want to hear early on how lackluster it will be.
Next and final quote cause I have now gotten tired of his BS. When asked about the quality of the new Friday the 13th, "I haven’t seen the director's cut because he’s still cutting, but I know this one will really be scary; it’s also funny, as well. It’s a fun college adventure that goes awry. It’s not a movie I would ever show my mom! (Laughs) We don’t make these for our mothers; we make these for the fans out there."
He also made the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake. Not scary. And like I always say with all this new backstory added in. It's even more not scary. NOT SCARY! He says its funny also...That I believe. He was also asked about a Nightmare On Elm Street remake. God help us all. I do vote for Ben Foster for Freddy though. THAT I would see. Until tomorrow, let's talk film!
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